Updated 08/27/24 – Version 1.24.6
You can also view this in Google Sheets (130+ Features)
Feature Name | VIDEO URL | FREE | PRO |
Right Navigation Bar | https://youtu.be/OMqwQYNVID4 | Y | Y |
Quick Access to +NEW & Settings | https://youtu.be/wEIc2m5v42E | Y | Y |
Quick access to all QBO shortcuts/reports | https://youtu.be/MozQSR3LHUg | Y | Y |
Favorites | https://youtu.be/MozQSR3LHUg | Y | Y |
QBO Version visual and RightTool Version Indicator | https://youtu.be/9pvz6xHq1Gw | Y | Y |
Refresh Tabs on Company Change | https://youtu.be/wucpq1YKXvg | Y | Y |
RT Universal search | https://youtu.be/ujNRyQ9l-88 | Y | Y |
Enhanced Amount Search | https://youtu.be/9hjEaNLet7M | Y | Y |
“GO” Voice Commands when Dictation is on | https://youtu.be/OShL6Ej8J5g | Y | Y |
Recurring Transactions and Recent Transactions Shortcuts | https://youtu.be/aMocP8rE3FQ | Y | Y |
Searchable Settings | https://youtu.be/RbcMyyz87Yw | Y | Y |
Exporting and Importing Settings/Favorites | https://youtu.be/L5x-FyN-TvY | Y | Y |
Enable Right-click new tab on Classic reports | https://youtu.be/SaDXVkm0pUI | Y | Y |
Font Size Modifier | https://youtu.be/GIKyCe-Lglo | Y | Y |
RT Sidebar Modifier | https://youtu.be/GIKyCe-Lglo | Y | Y |
Auto-close Left Nav Bar | https://youtu.be/ricaPAhbP1c | Y | Y |
Enable Keyboard Shortcuts | https://youtu.be/Qc8XgDftPg4 | Y | Y |
Speech to Text Dictation | https://youtu.be/spA2k_DQxWA | Y | Y |
Black/White Color Scheme (buttons) | https://youtu.be/utrpDXsTUaw | Y | Y |
Make Red Negatives in reports, BLUE (Colorblind Negatives) | https://youtu.be/bAgUP80tCNo | Y | Y |
Larger Bolder Numbers in Modern Invoices | https://youtu.be/LLSCohylJns | Y | Y |
Enhanced Transaction Esc | https://youtu.be/IR8XkoqXpUY | Y | Y |
Auto Close Banking/COA Popups | https://youtu.be/UQEYgU6Y4Qo | Y | Y |
Jump to Location Buttons | https://youtu.be/Rp3N8KraIjw https://youtu.be/aVhUD437jb4 | Y | Y |
Extend Print Options | https://youtu.be/lAadUVyxLBc | Y | Y |
Export to Journal Entry to CSV | https://youtu.be/WUPcJSw4MAA | Y | Y |
Register/Reconcile Useful Links (“Back to Banking”) | https://youtu.be/GzAjeH5Lv58 | Y | Y |
Journal Balance Visual | https://youtu.be/Drz9nxCWfDk | Y | Y |
Larger Drawers and Dropdowns | https://youtu.be/ChYLW-RGpFE | Y | Y |
Auto-Print Reconciliation Reports | https://youtu.be/czKWbiQl5Vs | Y | Y |
Cursor Defaults Payee in New Transactions | https://youtu.be/oaHvzEqKfdo | Y | Y |
Enable Save Button in All Transactions | https://youtu.be/NhIPZ2GENw8 | Y | Y |
Chart of Accounts Header with New Button | https://youtu.be/oJUDYEsPNiU | Y | Y |
Expanded Recurring Transactions Name input box | https://youtu.be/MObzxXes-uw | Y | Y |
Copy Pagination Buttons To The Top | https://youtu.be/MCEVfmvDb3A | Y | Y |
Transaction Payee Detail Link | https://youtu.be/rE7erppj73w | N | Y |
Short-term QBO Enhancements | https://youtu.be/hMlOHqrUoBM | N | Y |
Enable MANAGE TABS | https://youtu.be/H-jH0Z5N9Mk | Y | Y |
RT Shortcuts Open New Tab | https://youtu.be/qY60CcRJVyw | Y | Y |
Close Tabs on Company Change | https://youtu.be/wucpq1YKXvg | Y | Y |
Audit Log in New Tab | https://youtu.be/oIPMa4w1tfQ | Y | Y |
Transaction Journal New Tab | https://youtu.be/2agKPZN2FfI | Y | Y |
Match Tab Names | https://youtu.be/bKFpp7hM8Jc | Y | Y |
Reports Enhanced Drilldown | https://youtu.be/SaDXVkm0pUI | Y | Y |
Close Sidebar After Clicking a Favorite | https://youtu.be/Fkv4v_PP_F4 | Y | Y |
Clickable Recurring Transaction Names | https://youtu.be/2Mn6uYSC8us | Y | Y |
Open New Tabs from “Pay Bills” | https://youtu.be/-lV1pproCeQ | Y | Y |
Deposits New Tab | https://youtu.be/NO2c1xyG-3s | N | Y |
Void Memo Automation | https://youtu.be/UfuNfHJicEA | Y | Y |
Show Journal Normal Balances | https://youtu.be/rMzkluOQOrw | Y | Y |
Bank Memo Copy In Transactions | https://youtu.be/xrx82IrKEuI | Y | Y |
Sales Transaction Line Lock | https://youtu.be/1tVeiIAfwAo | Y | Y |
Copy Bill Memo to Bill Payments | https://youtu.be/40lEzf4UycQ | Y | Y |
1099 Acount Mapping Enhancements | https://youtu.be/EMrazUaApTg | Y | Y |
Untransfer Button | https://youtu.be/nKxIC7Yj6KE | Y | Y |
Export Reports to CSV | https://youtu.be/9wc8gKuEdjc | Y | Y |
Hide Sub-Rows Button | https://youtu.be/YOf1-74lQXE | Y | Y |
Hide Sub-Columns Button | https://youtu.be/80d-ScDnH6Y | Y | Y |
Default Print Reports in Landscape | https://youtu.be/eQ2dRns-RvI | Y | Y |
Audit Log Transaction Date Filter | https://youtu.be/6sJGgr-2MDo | Y | Y |
Auto Switch to Classic View | https://youtu.be/iTEzWqu9Sec | Y | Y |
Totals in Sales Tax Liability Reports | https://youtu.be/tk8IT84bIBM | Y | Y |
Customer P&L Link | https://youtu.be/fYfbDb7cos4 | Y | Y |
Report Presets Button | https://youtu.be/zfYjIY18cAs | Y | Y |
Bank Feed Additional Detail | https://youtu.be/BnXTyn70F5Y | Y | Y |
Display Text Under Bank Feed Cards | https://youtu.be/RFfpYGEiz6I | Y | Y |
Larger Account/Memo Boxes | https://youtu.be/gd1SfDKLrzg | Y | Y |
New Transactions Button | https://youtu.be/A6HMZURQGhA | N | Y |
Payee History Link | https://youtu.be/61nFfbqmB34 | Y | Y |
Google Memo link in Bank Feeds | https://youtu.be/z0kKPN5pZ4Y | Y | Y |
Clean Category Names | https://youtu.be/MDQT_Ryv83U | Y | Y |
Bank Feed Color Assistance | https://youtu.be/L2Tb8pDQKvg | N | Y |
Sticky Table Headers | https://youtu.be/L2Tb8pDQKvg | N | Y |
Improved Rule Creation Workflow | https://youtu.be/CzVcuqXIsH4 | Y | Y |
Enable Company Switch | https://youtu.be/BUwhI8lQ_yg | N | Y |
Enable Group Favorites | https://youtu.be/5FQ22Obrzxc | N | Y |
Reconciled Transaction Indicator | https://youtu.be/rQgmjN4l9Dk | N | Y |
Enable SCRIPTS | https://youtu.be/UPqXs-U90L8 | N | Y |
Books Review ‘Mark Done’ Button | https://youtu.be/XeDOcHDoRrw | N | Y |
COA Filter By Type & Show All | https://youtu.be/w9SyoxP3QpU | N | Y |
Clear Zero Lines Button | https://youtu.be/IEa8HOjXPis | N | Y |
Reclassify Page Extra Filters | https://youtu.be/8_eDb2XutME | N | Y |
Convert Payee Type | https://youtu.be/TFlVyddujsI | N | Y |
Bank Rule Page Enhancements | https://youtu.be/5L9c3w_mNk4 | N | Y |
Bill Pay Enhancements | https://youtu.be/XRBDLAfJDC4 | N | Y |
Right-Click Reclassify From Reports | https://youtu.be/G3GMBJRLF20 | N | Y |
Right-Click To Open Register from Balance Sheet | https://youtu.be/64ORNFfHSwo | N | Y |
Find Product For Inactivating Accounts | https://youtu.be/A3ixC2qqYvU | N | Y |
Journal Entry enhancements | https://youtu.be/1QwFvuSO1yQ | N | Y |
Copy to Different Transaction Types | https://youtu.be/WwaUpHIBtaA | N | Y |
Quick Create Sub-Account for COA | https://youtu.be/Yp7-RYcbkLI | N | Y |
Auto-Update Bank Feeds | https://youtu.be/JLjGKT0tES8 | N | Y |
Automatic Extended Matching Date Range | https://youtu.be/sruLnb6HI0c | N | Y |
Quick Create Payees From Memo | https://youtu.be/72v2XNYggXg | N | Y |
Copy Bank Text to Memo in Bank Transactions | https://youtu.be/WSLgeYqjWI0 | N | Y |
Net Batch Balance Indicator | https://youtu.be/pRoxyq3OLdc | N | Y |
Shift-Click In All Lists | https://youtu.be/mr6ZK5rs5-A | N | Y |
Copy Excel To Transactions | https://youtu.be/jOWgXhYaQaE | N | Y |
Bulk Delete From Vendor/Customer Details | https://youtu.be/u8ZmrnXgbV0 | N | Y |
Batch Delete In Register | https://youtu.be/v7sfZzKMhFI | N | Y |
Batch Edit In Register | https://youtu.be/-WAlJcKw74A | N | Y |
Inventory Quantity Adjustment Enhancements | https://youtu.be/SUG92YYUf6o | N | Y |
Find and Replace in Transaction | https://youtu.be/OpsgCeELO3k | N | Y |
Batch Delete in Recurring Transactions | https://youtu.be/_e8RbgH1l-Q | N | Y |
Batch Delete in Search | https://youtu.be/uZVEm5LOPRk | N | Y |
Reallocate from Reports via Journal Entry | https://youtu.be/vZDZjdLICrc | N | Y |
Batch Change Project Status | https://youtu.be/Gmabb2bq3po | N | Y |
Reallocate in Expense Page | https://youtu.be/8QpFRzeVIE4 | N | Y |
Copy Down & Copy Rows | https://youtu.be/Qg6oWF06u44 | N | Y |
Delete & Unreconcile Shortcuts | https://youtu.be/v7sfZzKMhFI | N | Y |
Custom Default Year | https://youtu.be/DxVHfRWkp24 | N | Y |
Link To Payee From Register | https://youtu.be/YvDwvjwgglo | N | Y |
Preset Filter in Register | https://youtu.be/Uc2WE3piFP8 | N | Y |
+Expense Button | https://youtu.be/37F5Cm8fwHk | N | Y |
Export to CSV | https://youtu.be/37F5Cm8fwHk | N | Y |
Delete From Reconcile Button | https://youtu.be/LNlpTJNigJ8 | N | Y |
Delete & Void From Reconcile Shortcuts | https://youtu.be/7edBWzAbfqg | N | Y |
Highlight Edited Transactions While Reconciling | https://youtu.be/aE8I8Q2JnIk | N | Y |
Search for Amount | https://youtu.be/2bLou0ofcFs | N | Y |
Reconcile Progress Button | https://youtu.be/58Nn4cUi19k | N | Y |
Show/Hide Undeposited Funds | https://youtu.be/0farkM2Rivs | N | Y |
Filter Undeposited Funds by Date | https://youtu.be/5iEvb_PPSOQ | N | Y |
Copy Deposit Button | https://youtu.be/y0dPL3O1X8c | N | Y |
Deposit Sticky Footer (Deposits PRO) | https://youtu.be/xbP161iJ4P4 | N | Y |
Export Undeposited Payments (Deposits PRO) | https://youtu.be/1_Rpyfnglio | N | Y |
Report Analysis AI | https://youtu.be/p-weZ75IGXc | N | Y |
Bank Categorization AI | https://youtu.be/mZWQWnew474 | N | Y |
Bulk Change Customer/Project In Lines | https://youtu.be/OrRdGs6eSM4 | N | Y |
Copy Transactions in Register | https://youtu.be/JUfXxvWT-mc | N | Y |
Bulk Create in Register | https://youtu.be/CUN1OyLhxF4 | N | Y |
Sort Transaction Columns | https://youtu.be/jlmT824sxq0 | N | Y |
Balance Sheet Adjustment Tool | https://youtu.be/XtmI4aUzKuA | N | Y |
Change Sub Accounts to Parents | https://youtu.be/LUr_glVjccQ | N | Y |
Copy Bill Numbers To Memo | N | Y | |
Hide Expenses w/ Attachments | N | Y | |
Auto Open Bank Feed When Switching Files | N | Y |